1500 Markilux Awning.
The 1500 Awning, a semi-cassetted awning, but with a dynamically rounded cover it gives the impression of being fully cassetted.
Design Features.
This Awning has won the IF innovative product design award, it is one of the most robust awnings on the market, having gas pistons on the arms to extend the cover this means that the cover is completely taught at any extension.
Technical highlights.
Gas piston technology to ensure a taught cover at any point of extension.
A robust torque back bar, good for prevention of twist and deflection.
The component parts are drop forged aluminium for outstanding strength.
The top cover board hes a unique brush which sweeps the cover clean of any large debris which may have got onto the awning.
Can have shadeplus added to it creating an outside room.
Can be fully electrically operated, automated via sun/wind controls.
Covers from the new Markilux Sunsilk or Sunvas range, both with nano technology coatings which have a self cleaning effect.